News & Events

REACH FOR IT! Presents: A Celebration of World FASD Awareness Day
REACH FOR IT! presents, a celebration of world FASD Awareness Day. Join us as we roll out the red carpet for a morning of activities

Join Plexus FASD at the 2024 Building Community: Advancing Anti-Ableism in Education Symposium
The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is excited to announce the 2024 Building Community: Advancing Anti-Ableism in Education Symposium. This one-day event will take

FASD Support Group for Adolescents
We are pleased to announce that Lutherwood will resume the FASD Support Group for Adolescents with winter sessions scheduled February 08 through March 16, 2024.
FASD Fundamentals For Caregivers
Join us as we provide a full day of interactive learning about FASD for parents and caregivers! Friday, February 9, 2024 10 am –

FASD Peer Support Group for Parents and Caregivers
Free virtual FASD Peer Support Group for Parents/Caregivers in Ontario. PCMH is a peer support program where we provide support to parents/caregivers across the
We understand FASD is a brain-based disability. We strive to provide accommodated services and supports..
We recognize that where you were born, live, learn, work, and play affect your health, well-being and sense of belonging.
We know that FASD is different for everyone and we will build a plan that works for you.
We highlight individual strengths and gifts